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Foreign Ministry Spokesman Kong Quan's Comment on Japanese Foreign Minister's Remarks that China Would Not Oppose the Framework Draft Resolution of the "Group of Four"
2005-08-01 00:00

Some journalists asked, the Japanese Foreign Minister Nobutaka Machimura recently said that China would not oppose the plan of the "Group of Four" in the end, what's China's comment?

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Kong Quan pointed out that his comment is totally groundless with ulterior motives. China always holds that the framework draft resolution of the "Group of Four" does not accommodate the interests of the large number of developing countries, especially the small and medium-sized countries. The move of forcing a vote by the "Group of Four" also seriously undermines the solidarity of Africa, the solidarity of Asia, and the solidarity of the member states of the UN as well as the UN's long-term interests. Making decisions on the basis of broad consensus through democratic consultation is the only correct way to promote the reform of the Security Council. If there is a forcible vote at the UN Assembly, China will vote against it.

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