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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Ma Zhaoxu's Remarks on Some US Congress Members Proposing a Resolution to Recognize the 30th Anniversary of Taiwan Relations Act
2009-02-27 08:25

Q: Some members of the US House of Representatives jointly proposed a resolution named Recognizing the 30th Anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act. How do you comment?

A: In defiance of China's unequivocal opposition, a handful of the US Congress members proposed a resolution to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the so-called Taiwan Relations Act. China expresses its strong dissatisfaction and has lodged solemn representations to the US side.

It is known to all that the "so-called" Taiwan Relations Act enacted unilaterally by the US gravely violates the basic norms guiding international relations, contravenes the serious commitment of the US to China and intervenes in China's internal affairs. The Chinese Government and people resolutely oppose the act from the very beginning. We urge the US to abide by the basic norms guiding international relations and the principles enshrined in the three Sino-US joint communiqués, not to deliberate or adopt the resolution in any form. It should properly and prudently handle the Taiwan issue so as to avoid any negative impact on China-US relations.

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